ボーダーコリーBorder collieはこんな長い毛皮を着てんだから日本の夏は相当暑いでしょうね。不思議と毛が長いのに、においはほとんどしません。人の言葉をよく理解して凄く頭のいいワンちゃんです。
Border collie_ボーダーコリーのハナちゃん
コメントの投稿 (Atom)
心晴れ晴れ 日々是好日 I thought I'd like to tell wonderful Japan, so this blog was made. Gardening,Japanese garden, antique,Japanese introduction, etc.
3 件のコメント:
Lovely dog.
You have a beautiful blog.
pictures say a thousand words, even though I don't understand your writing
the chickens look just like the greek ones!!!
A very handsome dog, and, living in Japan, he/she will certainly understand Japanese...so also a very talented dog!