The ornament my father made.
懐かしいです。 割れたつぼを飾りで置いてみました。
手前の風知草は一鉢300円に下がっていたので買ってきました。 ひとりでに生えていたオキザリスです。
OKIZARISU which bloomed naturally. From where has a seed flown?
Today's Mygarden_今日の私の庭です。
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4 件のコメント:
What a fantastic ornament. Is this an usual decoration to have in the gardens i Japan?
This oxalis is exactly the same I have as an indoorplant. It is wery nice. I think maybe I have a litle on left. This i will put in the basement for the winter, and grow it again next year.
And the hen, ist it yours?
By the way. Have you had frost yet, or maby you dont have frost in your area?
I grow the purple oxalis or okizrisa in my garden also. Isn't it pretty.
I grew an oxalis plant for my mom when I was in college. They are very beautiful, I love the coloring of your purple one.
That ornament you father made is wonderful, it adds an extra touch of live to the garden.
I found out that a lot of people are growing OKIZARISU.I think purple one has probably come from a foreign country.